About Us

Build India Group (BIG), a Delhi-based civil society, focuses on building citizenry consciousness across the country with Article 51 A of the constitution dealing with fundamental duties as its foundation. It has a target to involve 30 crore school students and their parents in the exercise on a single day i.e November 26 every year.


Dear friends!

The Preamble of Indian constitution is an ownership document for all Indians.

This ownership came to the people, who were subjects in their respective kingdoms before independence, with adoption of the preamble by the Constituent Assembly on 26th November 1949.

A country is a physical construct with boundary, people, government and a law. It is like a big house. A house becomes a home with people living therein are in love with it and also with each other. Similarly a country becomes a nation when citizens collectively demonstrate their love and sense of belonging to it. Hence like home, a nation is an emotional construct.

A nation excels when its citizens display their attitude towards excellence in all fields. This attitude is emotional power within. Its manifestation can see in you a great scientist, a philosopher, a physician, an economist, a statesman or a poet.

We want to encourage your passion towards excellence. This forum will have sections for the school students who want to share their vision in fields of their choice to make it a knowledge hub.

Congratulations to you all. Lets us take a vow to build a glorious nation.

Our Events


We will launch Hareetbol program on April 18, 2018 at 5 pm. That day is Aksay Trutiya, the day when peasants offer their obeisances to mother earth for food and seek her permission to till land.


EKYA TAAN (Symphony of Harmony) is a festival of peace, love and harmony.



The pledge in English reads, “we the people of India today do solemnly pledge ourselves to the service of our nation; with honesty, sincerity and commitment always keeping our nation’s interest paramount in all that we think do or say for the greater glory of this land”.




This will be the first truly national festival of its kind to promote national integration. India does not have a national festival of its own. Republic Day or Independence Day are treated as commemorative programmes and declared holidays.

The festival will be based on the principles of peace and non-violence and good citizenry involving each and every individual across the country.

This will promote in each individual across the country love for the mother-tongue, native culture and faith system.

It will promote equal respect for all the faith systems across the country. Involvement of religious institutions will help people internalize the concept of Indianness.

The country-wide festival will promote a truly national festival involving faith systems, local cultures and food.
This day can mark formation of human chains, poster displays and cultural extravaganza with a message to respect each other’s social, cultural and religious sentiments. meeting of religious leaders of all FAITH SYSTEMS should be convened under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture to promote appreciation of diverse faiths and religions.
